The Age of Heroes

The new hit Hollywood action movie coming next summer - The Age of Heroes, starring Keanu Reeves. No, the Age of Heroes was a period of time after the Children and the First Men signed the pact that allowed them to live in peace with each other. This period of time lasted thousands of years…


The Old Gods We don't know when the religion of the Old Gods started, but they are thousands of years old, originally being worshiped by the Children of the Forest long before the first men came to Westeros. The Old Gods offer a connection to the earth and life around you. To be close to…

George R.R Martin

"Literally every quote in the entire series." - GRRM It's astonishing when you really start thinking about it. The fact that this universe sprang out of the mind of one man with one gigantic vision. A world that has captivated millions and affected today's culture itself. We have seen the rise of baby names such…


"He smelled as foul and sweet as flowers on a grave." This is the Spider Telling the history of this man is a difficult task as most of it comes from his own mouth. And excuse me if I'm hesitant to believe much that comes from the Spider for the difference between truth, exaggeration, and…


"In King's Landing, there are two sorts of people. The players and the pieces." - Littlefinger Baelish House Baelish was so insignificant when Petyr was born that no one knew the name. It was about the smallest a house could be and still be considered a 'house'. They ruled their few acres from a small…

Robert’s Rebellion

Precursor: I recommend reading the posts on Tywin and Aerys for some background before reading this one. I've decided not to split this post into separate parts as a thank you to all of my supporters. You make my day every Wednesday, so truly thank you. Hopefully I can return the favor this week. Fans of brevity may want…

The Mad King

"Aerys was mad, the whole realm knew it." - Catelyn "Aerys was mad and cruel, no one has ever denied that." - Brienne "A crowned beast." - Jaime This is Aerys Targaryen Aerys' life was complex and the threads of his influence are woven throughout the whole series, sometimes with small implications and sometimes with…


In my opinion, Tywin Lannister is the best antagonist in Game of Thrones hands down. Planetos has its fair share of evil in it, all the way from the rageful bloodlust of the Mountain to the brattish cruelty of Joffrey, but that isn't Tywin. The most dangerous people are the ones with brains and the will to use…

Arthur Dayne

There are some men who become famous. Others become heroes. And rarer are those who become legends. History tells of these men time and time again. Some argue they are just born at the right time and place. Others, however, argue these men grew to what they were, not through advantage or opportunity, but through…

The Dornish War

This is the finale to the Aegon's Conquest series. Aegon Targaryen had his throne, he had his Kingdoms, but he did not have Dorne. That meant his work wasn't yet complete. Aegon spent some time consolidating his power and forces. It takes a lot to get new management settled, but Dorne was always on his…